The cacique Ninawa denounces the “genocide” of indigenous peoples

The cacique Ninawa denounces the “genocide” of indigenous peoples

On the occasion of the release of the documentary film “Terra Libre” on September 22, we met the cacique Ninawa and the director Gert-Peter Bruch. The two activists denounce a “genocide” of indigenous peoples and point to the responsibility of political leaders.

In Paris, the home of Pierre Richard located in the 16 th  arrondissement, the cacique and Ninawa Gert-Peter Bruch settled. The French actor and director lends his voice for the narration of the French version of Terra Libre . With a warm smile, he opens his doors to us and organizes an interview area.

30 years of indigenous struggle

The cacique Ninawa, leader of the Amazonian people Huni Kui, adorned with the headdress of his people, takes a solemn position. Gert-Peter Bruch takes his place next to him. “ This documentary is about 30 years of indigenous struggle. He talks about the crisis of our century, “insists the director. Gert-Peter Bruch has been interested in the destruction of the Amazon and the struggle of indigenous peoples to preserve their lands for decades.

“ For me, it all started when I met the cacique Raoni (Indigenous leader and emblematic figure of the fight for the preservation of the Amazon rainforest) the year of my 18th birthday, thanks to my favorite singer of the time. , Sting. He had engaged in the struggle. I campaigned with him. I have accompanied him on six tours since 1989. The indigenous mobilizations, their acts of bravery to preserve nature, made me want to take my camera. In particular the mobilizations in Brasilia in 2013 “, he explains. “ I've been working on this documentary since 2014, ” he adds.

The Alliance of Guardians of Mother Nature

Gert-Peter Bruch's activism has long since gone beyond the scope of his camera. In 2014, with the cacique Raoni, under the aegis of the NGO Planète Amazone, he played a crucial role in the creation of an unprecedented alliance of indigenous leaders. The project, presented at COP21, laid the foundations for an action plan for the protection of the planet, the defense of the forest, indigenous lands and their ancestral culture. Thus was born the Alliance of Guardians of Mother Nature.

For the cacique Ninawa, present at this great founding meeting, “ the Alliance is something extremely important, because it carries the message of our fight ”, that of preserving nature and traditions in the face of destruction.

The fate of the natives

As its name reflects, (“ Ninawa ” means “ forest ” in the Huni Kui language), nature is one with the cacique. The protection of nature is the mission he must carry out. Facing him, and facing the indigenous leaders of the Amazon rainforest, stands the Brazilian government of Jair Bolsonaro. “ The Brazilian government threatens, with numerous bills, the lands of the indigenous people” , denounces the cacique Ninawa. President Bolsonaro has indeed advocated the opening of indigenous lands and protected areas in the Amazon, which are already affected by deforestation and illegal mining prospecting. People's leader Huni Kui denounces arson and incessant attacks by gold diggers. “ It's genocide“, He proclaims.

On August 9, for the first time in history, the indigenous tribes seized the International Criminal Court to denounce the “ anti-indigenous policy ” of Bolsonaro, the cacique Raoni then evoking “ crimes against humanity ”.

Ambassador of the film Terra Libre by Gert-Peter-Bruch, the cacique Ninawa campaigns for the preservation of these lands, but also for the indigenous traditions to endure over time. Repeated intruder incursions expose indigenous communities to multiple dangers. In particular, they constitute one of the first factors of contamination of these communities by Covid19. The virus has killed more than 1,100 among them since the start of the pandemic. 

COP26, “ a real deception ”

“ I have been participating in COPs and other meetings for 12 years now. Since Rio +20 “, explains Cacique Ninawa. “ I haven't seen the change since. There is no guarantee that the path of indigenous peoples will be taken into account during the COP, “laments the indigenous leader. “ For me, this COP26, like the others, is a real deception. It is only the innocent and gullible people who still believe in it, ”he said. " Pollution is only increasing, the planet is more and more fragile ", he warns.

Despite everything, the cacique Ninawa wants to take advantage of his visit to France to push public opinion to tip the scales in favor of nature. Because the fight of the century is being played out at this very moment.

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