The last episode of the "Trump show"

Nothing in Donald Trump's work justifies a rapprochement with the great classical tragedies or Shakespearean dramas. His family - reading his niece's book -, as well as his career as a real estate developer and then as an improvised reality show host, firmly anchor him in the less sophisticated "pop culture".

The last episode of the "Trump show"

A simple comic book made me think for a long time. Unfortunately, I don't remember the cartoonist, but there was a character sitting on a semblance of a throne, clumsily wearing a crown, with a distraught face. In front of him, another character, getting rid of the king's mad hat, revealed to him: "There is no kingdom. You're not King Dagobert [or anything like that] and Robert, it's time to go home. »

His presidency, as we all knew except him apparently, was coming to an end. His handling of the pandemic was apocalyptic, as evidenced by the persistent number of infections and deaths; his political incompetence prevented him from recruiting new supporters who could have ensured him a second term; in the end, he lost the presidential election and that should have been enough.

He needed a coup de grâce and he came from his own camp, from his most fervent followers: the assault on Capitol Hill put him forever among the presidents who had lost all constitutional legitimacy. And late Friday night, Twitter officials went to spit on his grave.

Torture by tweets

Without Twitter, the "king is naked", to quote Andersen's famous tale. Donald Trump used and abused this forum to insult, threaten and intimidate friends and opponents. In 140 characters, he managed to scare off the most credible minds and the most competent politicians.

It is hard to imagine a more suitable social media than Twitter for the deposed president: disinterested in the management of the state, ill-informed, intellectually lazy, he spent long hours - several witnesses have confirmed this over the years - pouring out his short comments, while soaking up the reactionary ramblings of FOX News.

Without this tribune, he lost the ultimate means of keeping in line the elected republicans, made docile by blackmail and intimidation.

Accomplices through voyeurism

His presidency will have been the reverse Truman Show. Trump thought he was at the heart of a reality show, managing the participants as he pleased. He surrounded himself with people who, consciously or unconsciously, comforted him in the illusion of his authority and credibility. Those caught questioning him were quickly dismissed.

Reality finally caught up with him, not without having previously gone through the humiliation of seeing the seat of American democracy, the Capitol, attacked by a band of enlightened people. The culmination of this long buffoonery will help us to reconcile ourselves with the fact that boredom will fall on American politics as of January 21. In the end, it's no worse. 

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